Interact / Key Club News

The KHS Interact/KEY Club had a very successful donut fund raiser bringing in over $600 to purchase fleece for their blanket making project. The new blankets will be given to ShareNet for distribution.  Christina Prescott (who served as Ms. Claus at last December’s Santa Workshop– see her picture in the January newsletter) has been elected as KEY Club lieutenant governor for 2025-2026. This marks  the third year a KHS KEY Club member has held that position which is quite an accomplishment for a small club. Congratulations Christina!

2025 Scholarship Applications

The Scholarship applications for 2025 are now available. Go to our Scholarships & Grants page for more information.

Kiwanis Sponsors Community Meal

At least once a year, Kingston Kiwanis sponsors a Community Meal in conjunction with Kingston Cares. Meals are provided every second Friday of the month and, while intended to serve individuals with food insecurity, also afford a time for the general Kingston public to enjoy time together over a free dinner at the Village Green.

This January 10th Chili Feed Community Meal sponsored by Kiwanis in conjunction with Kingston Cares was a big success. We fed over 150 people and sent home chili enough for another 30 meals.  Thank you to all who helped with the meal preparation and serving, especially a big “thank you” to Dahlia for leading the effort. We learned some things for future meals—like you have keep stirring constantly to keep things from burning—and a  bit about how much to purchase. Overall, a big success!