Scholarships are awarded annually by the Greater Kingston Kiwanis Foundation to graduating high school students from the Greater Kingston area. The scholarships are dedicated to the memories of "Bud" Meredith and "Cy" Wyse, founding members of the Greater Kingston Kiwanis Club who lived a large portion of their lives in service to others in the North Kitsap community.
Scholarship recipients are selected from applicants based on a demonstrated record of:
1. Service to the community that highlights positive
character, citizenship, and self-reliance; or
2. Special achievement in overcoming obstacles during an academic career.
Note: Students pursuing non-college post high school education, such as technical schools, are also encouraged to apply. The main criteria for selection is community service.
Scholarship monies are intended to assist in paying tuition expenses for post-secondary education and are paid directly to the college attended by the recipient.
Complete details of the application procedure and copies of the application form are available around the first of the year.
2025 Applications
Community Grants
The Greater Kingston Kiwanis Club and the Greater Kingston Kiwanis Foundation provide grants to community organizations and schools within the community to assist in funding activities that enrich the lives of children and families in the community.
Grants are awarded twice a year following receipt of a written letter of application which includes:
1. A description of the organization and it's mission;
2. An explanation of the funding request which describes who will benefit from the resources and any selection criteria; and
3. A timeline for use of the requested funds.
For complete details and a copy of the grant application, download the following forms: